A. Advertising Account Manager (AAM)
B. Advertising Account Executive (AAE)
C. Promotion Account Manager (PAM)
D. Event Manager (EM)
E. Fashion & Beauty Writer (FBW)
F. Features Writer/Reporter (FWR)
G. Graphic Designer (GD)
H. Pre-press & Production Coordinator (PPC)
I. Food Stylist & Editor (FSE)
J. Photographer (PH)
General Requirements:
* Min. S1 (A, B, C, E, F) Min. D3 (D, G, H, I, J)
* Max 30 years old (A, B, C, E, F, G, I) Max 35 years old (D, H, J)
* Min. 1 year experience in the same position (A-J)
* Creative & able to work under tight deadline (A-J)
* Have an excellent presentation skill & relationship with clients (A-D)
How to Apply
Send your updated CV to:
Trinaya Magazines
PO Box 6557 – JKSDW 12160
not later than 27 June 2009