Jakarta, 29 April 2010
Hal : Lamaran PekerjaanKepada Yth.,
Manajer Sumber Daya Manusia
PT. Arahan Mandiri
Jl. Raya Kebon Durian No. 11
Jakarta Timur
Dengan hormat,
Sesuai dengan penawaran lowongan pekerjaan dari PT. Arahan Mandiri, seperti yang termuat di harian Kompas tanggal 27 April 2010. Saya mengajukan diri untuk bergabung ke dalam Tim Marketing di PT. Arahan Mandiri.
Data singkat saya, seperti berikut ini.
Nama Tempat & tgl. lahir Pendidikan Akhir Alamat Telepon, HP, e-mail Status Perkawinan | : Ridwan Amir S : Bukit Tinggi, 3 Juni 1982 : Sarjana Manajemen Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah (UIA) - Jakarta(Konsentrasi Manajemen Pemasaran) : Perum Bumi Sentosa Blok A.5 Bekasi : 021 - 87914990, 081233743926, rid1amir@yahoo.com : Menikah |
Saat ini saya bekerja sebagai staff Marketing di PT. Madani Finance. Saya senang untuk belajar, dan dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam tim dengan baik.
Sebagai bahan pertimbangan, saya lampirkan :
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup.
- Foto copy ijazah S-1 dan transkrip nilai.
- Foto copy sertifikat kursus/pelatihan.
- Pas foto terbaru.
Demikian surat lamaran ini, dan terima kasih atas perhatian Bapak/Ibu.
Hormat saya,
Ridwan Amir S
Job Interview Tips Practice
Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy. Prepare, Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions.
Get Ready, Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.
Be On Time, Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.
Stay Calm, During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!
Show What You Know, Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for.
Follow Up, Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.